What happens when you hear the term CPR certification? Does it ring a bell in your ears, or have you seen someone perform it?
Yes indeed, because whenever we think of CPR, only one image pops up: an individual trying to rescue another with effective chest compression. In such a scenario, the first responders are not only heroes but also encourage us to be prepared for any challenges that may occur during the cardiac arrest.
Do you know most CPR-certified individuals are afraid of performing CPR in the event of a medical emergency? Ever wondered why?
Well, in this blog, you will get the answer to this question. If you are someone who has earned CPR certification but still feels underconfident about performing CPR, don’t blame yourself. Many people also fall into this league. However, the goal should be to overcome the CPR challenges and be a responsible individual.
However, this blog is for people who believe that earning CPR certification is the key to increasing the chances of survival during cardiac arrest. They may not be aware of the consequences or the complications involved during the process of CPR.
So, let’s break down the myth and delve into the three most common health complications that occur during CPR.
What may Happen During the CPR?
CPR or Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, is the process of restarting the heart with effective chest compression. Since effective chest compression results in various risks, first responders need to know the first-hand risks during CPR. Also, understanding the various cardiac arrest signs is essential in this scenario.
Let’s look at a list of some CPR consequences that may or may not occur.
Puking and Aspiration
During forceful chest compressions, sometimes the cardiac arrest victim can puke. As a result, the foreign materials from the stomach enter the lungs, causing pneumonia. This happens when the person having a cardiac arrest is unconscious and cannot puke. So, the foreign object is not removed from the body and is inhaled in the lungs, causing aspirational pneumonia.
Aspiration pneumonia further complicates recovery because the stomach bacteria cause a lung infection that creates a critical condition. The whole of this complicates the recovery process and causes ineffective airway management.
Broken Ribs
The correct CPR process includes the right chest compression and the proper technique of rescue breathing. However, you can find older people physiologically different. So, forceful chest compression can cause fractured ribs, especially in those who have fragile bones.
In the world of CPR, fractures are prevalent and are also acceptable for vital blood circulation. For instance, sternal fractures are less frequent but also occur, so proper CPR training is highly emphasized among the first responders. Therefore, the decision to do CPR is risky and sometimes can have consequences, but the result must outweigh the risks. So, the goal is to increase the chances of survival.
Brain Damage
When cardiac arrest occurs, the brain doesn’t receive oxygen. The purpose of CPR is to restore blood flow and keep the heart beating. As the brain damage occurs 4-6 minutes after the cardiac arrest, this creates a lasting impact on the body, leading to various health complications.
So, even when you do CPR, the brain receives only 5% less oxygen. This causes potential harm to the brain. So, CPR survivors sometimes have neural brain damage after resuscitation, known as hypoxic-ischemic brain injury.
Take the first step to becoming the first responder during a medical emergency.
CPR should be given when the heart stops beating. You see that there is no rise or fall of the chest, which indicates that the person is not breathing. This causes brain damage and leads to oxygen deprivation. So, the purpose of CPR is to restore blood flow and eliminate oxygen deprivation to increase the chances of survival during cardiac arrest.
However, knowing about these three common and complicated issues can help you address the challenge during CPR. Therefore, it is essential to learn about CPR certification so that you can address the challenges with the right knowledge. In the CPR classes Frederick MD, CPR instructors help you learn about these challenges and teach you how to deal with them.
Get your CPR certification in Frederick County, MD, today with Comfikare CPR.